Manage Loneliness This Holiday Season

  The thought of being alone – or perhaps, alone again – this holiday season, may be weighing you down with feelings of sadness and despair. While others are anticipating […]

Always Save The Turkey

I remember it like it was yesterday – the first Thanksgiving that I volunteered to help cook. My culinary skills have improved over the years, but this was a time […]

In the Spotlight

Kellie P. Easton What makes you YOU? My drive to bring my tangible self into the fullness of my conscious self makes me, me. I was raised by beautiful people […]

Why We Complain

“Would you stop complaining already?” “Complaining never makes anything better.” “Whine, whine, whine!” “Nobody likes a complainer.” We’ve heard these thumbs-down statements and perhaps have made a few of them […]

Eight Great Films You May Have Never Heard Of

A film can get overlooked for any number of reasons and still be perfectly wonderful to watch. Some movies don’t get the credit they deserve for various reasons, and because […]

Coping with Grief

We humans mourn the loss of many things: relationships, homes, jobs, pets, and of course, our loved ones. I have experienced every one of these losses and yes, I know […]

The Plague of Perfectionism

Perfectionism is truly the root of so many awful things. Think about where it comes from: studies show the root cause is basing your self-worth on your achievements. If your […]

My Self Esteem? I’m All Over It

Let’s be completely frank: getting older and being retired can do a number on a person’s self-esteem.  Yes, it’s greatto own your own time, and to feel good about having […]

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