Inner Strength Pilates and Self-Care

BY AMY DIXON, owner of Inner Strength Pilates, with Denise Heidel 2020 was supposed to be the year of focus and the year of vision.  Basically, we started last year believing that anything was possible in 2020.  And indeed, it was.  But it kind of went the other direction with COVID.  But let’s not go […]

Voices Changing Communities

“Hometown Hero” L’Tona Lamonte, head women’s basketball coach at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU), introduces herself as L’Tona, not Coach Lamonte.  This humble “hometown girl” has returned with her family to her birthplace of Winston-Salem as a WSSU alumni (99’) and as a community leader with a trusted voice aimed at giving back.  Entering her fifth […]

Professional Women of Winston Salem (PWWS)

BY BROOKE ORR Anything is possible when women band together to lift one another up.  2020 was a year of challenges and the members of Professional Women of Winston-Salem (PWWS) rose to the occasion, offering virtual learning opportunities tailored to the specific needs of professional women facing the fall-out of the pandemic.  One member recalls […]

In the Spotlight

BY JEN OLENICZAK BROWN Dr. Brittany Pearl Battle What makes you YOU? I like to think I am made up of the best parts of both my parents. I love hard, laughter is my medicine, and I’m unapologetic in fighting for the things I believe in. What are you most proud of? I’m most proud […]

January: Human Trafficking Awareness Month

BY ELISA W. COPPEDE What is a severe life-threatening problem that affects every country in the world? Human trafficking. According to, a website dedicated to helping young adults volunteer, promote social change, and conduct civic action campaigns to make a real-world impact on causes they care about, “internationally, only about .04% of survivors of human […]

Five Coping Strategies for Changing Times

BY JEAN MARIE JOHNSON With or without champagne, I am the type who bubbles over with energy and enthusiasm for the new year ahead. I say adieu to the year that’s passed by, sweeping my home clear of every festive thing in sight, replacing red candles for white, and focusing on the joyful, peaceful possibilities […]

Flower Power: The Growth of an Idea                     

BY TABATHA RENEGAR If any one person in the Triad epitomizes the proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” it is Amy Lynne Dunlap.  Born in Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Amy got a job with a florist cleaning buckets, sweeping floors, and occasionally working with flowers when she was 16. Throughout every shift, Amy was watching and […]

Goodbye Goals: Accomplish the Unexpected by Abandoning Certain Goals

BY TARYN JEREZ After a year like 2020, the saying “We make plans and God laughs” has never felt more accurate. The truth is, you can make plans and set resolutions all day long, but there may come a point where those goals no longer suit the life you are pursuing. While pouring time and […]

Walk It Out!

BY JEAN MARIE JOHNSON Over thirty years ago, in the pre-dawn hours of a typical workday, I decided to go for a walk. Not a big deal, right? Except that it was. I was in the midst of a ginormous life change, and walking sounded like one small change that I could initiate and embrace. […]

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