One Day at a Time

I have a favorite saying that actually packs a powerful punch: “A goal without a plan is just a dream.”

For some time now, my own goals and dreams have been meshed together, with no specific daily/weekly/monthly game plan in sight. So I’m writing this for our mutual benefit, and as you begin to recognize yourself in the following tips, please know you are not alone!

It may seem simple enough, but in reality, those personal goals we put so much thought in to can’t even begin to get off the ground without some detailed direction. If you’ve gathered some hurdles of your own to master – even small goals that will change your life for the better (think: healthier, happier, smarter, more relaxed, more confident) – you’ll find comfort in knowing that making progress can be as simple as changing just one thing you do daily.

It may be as simple as what you eat for breakfast, or as obvious as skipping the urge to grab your cell phone or tablet as soon as you wake up. Sometimes that “one thing” can be simply focusing on yourself, and tackling a series of tiny goals – one day at a time. Challenge yourself to make one of these small daily changes a month – no pressure and no hard deadlines – and see what possibilities open up around you!

  • Start the morning with a glass of water. Your choice of caffeine has its place, don’t worry, but cleanse first with water (I like to think of this as flushing out the stress I woke up already feeling!).
  • Step away – no, run away, from the snooze button. Do whatever you have to do, but this helps no one: not you, your family, or those co-workers you’ll be facing during that 2 p.m. slump.
  • Establish a morning exercise routine, even if it’s simple stretches or your favorite yoga DVD.
  • Plan breakfast. Rotate between three or four favorite healthy options, and you’ll find your morning mindset will be surprisingly stronger. (Join me in cutting out one bad food a week, won’t you!?)
  • Plan your workday outfit the night before. Less scrambling through piles of clothes means less stress as you start the day.
  • Be diligent about establishing – and keeping – this brand new morning routine of yours, which means being honest about what works best for you. If you’re thrilled at the idea of a quiet house for reading or meditating before everyone else is up, schedule your alarm accordingly. Take a neighborhood stroll while it’s quiet, or sit in your garden and soak up some of nature’s early morning blessings.
  • Challenge yourself to read more and learn something new every single day.
  • Give yourself a break from the constant need to multi-task. We all pretend to be accomplished at this very admirable trait, but truthfully, few people totally nail it. Practice focus instead, starting with the most urgent task on your to-do list, and work your way through the day doing your best based on your own personal timing!
  • Plan your evening routine, too. Organize your calendar the night before, then ready your clothes and personal belongings, so you’re not frantic, and you’ll head out the door with a calm mind, a clear purpose, and energy to spare!
  • Don’t fear the words “change” and “schedule” but instead, find pleasure and calm in the small decisions you can make daily to have a lasting impact on your health and well-being. We are definitely in this together!




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